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In-person Talk: Meiji Graves in Happy Valley: Stories of Early Japanese Residents in Hong Kong - Prof. Yoshiko Nakano and Ms. Georgina Challen

  • Cafe 8, Hong Kong Maritime Museum Man Kwong Street Central, Hong Kong Island Hong Kong SAR China (map)

The Hong Kong Cemetery in Happy Valley is home to over 470 graves connected to the city’s Japanese population. Most of these graves belong to individuals who died during the Meiji era (1868–1912), a remarkable period of modernisation and opening up of Japan that saw thousands of its inhabitants travel to other parts of the world to study, work, and settle. Who were these people? What were they doing in Hong Kong? And why were unbaptised Japanese buried in what was called at one time the ‘Protestant Cemetery’?

These are the questions that Meiji Graves in Happy Valley (2024, HKU Press) seeks to answer. By revealing the personal journeys of these mostly forgotten Japanese, the authors aim to add to transnational perspectives on Hong Kong and Japan during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, as well as increase recognition of this fragmented community’s place in the development of this diverse city.

This book is published under the Royal Hong Kong Asiatic Society Study Series with the funding of Ride Fund.

Professor Nakano’s visit to Hong Kong is sponsored by the Center for the Study of Globalization and Cultures in the University of Hong Kong’s Department of Comparative Literature.

The Speakers/Authors

Yoshiko Nakano is a professor in the Department of International Design Management at Tokyo University of Science. She previously taught Japanese Studies at the University of Hong Kong from 2000 to 2022. She works on Japanese corporate history in a global context, focusing on international aviation, food and food technology. She is the author of Where There are Asians, There are Rice Cookers (2009).

Georgina Challen holds an MA in literary and cultural studies from the University of Hong Kong. Born in England, she grew up in Switzerland and has called Hong Kong home since 1990.


Time: 7:00 - 8:00 pm (Reception starts at 6:30 pm)

Admission: $175 for members, $220 for guests /non-members (Light refreshments are included in the admission fee)

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