Hong Kong Studies Series

The Hong Kong Studies Series makes widely available important contributions on the local history, culture and society of Hong Kong and the surrounding region. Generous support by the Sir Lindsay and Lady May Ride Memorial Fund makes it possible to publish high-quality works of lasting appeal and value to all, both scholars and informed general readers, who share a deeper interest in and enthusiasm for the area.

Books in the Series come from several publishers and full details of the individual books including descriptions, prices and availability as e-books can be obtained:

Blacksmith Books at https://www.blacksmithbooks.com/product-tag/hong-kong/

City University of Hong Kong Press at https://www.cityu.edu.hk/upress/books/by-series/royal-asiatic-society-hong-kong-studies-series

Hong Kong University Press at https://hkupress.hku.hk/index.php?route=product/category&path=84_86_146%20RASHK%20Series

Oxford University Press at https://global.oup.com/academic/search?q=Kwong+Chi+Man&cc=us&lang=en

Proverse Publishing at https://proversepublishing.com/rashk

CUHK Press at https://cup.cuhk.edu.hk/VillagesandMarketTownsinHongKong?search=hase