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In-person Talk - Archiving Hong Kong's Past: Historical Photographs - Prof. Robert Bickers

  • Hong Kong Maritime Museum, Cafe 8, Pier 8 Man Kwong Street Central, Hong Kong Island Hong Kong SAR China (map)

Since 2006, Robert Bickers has directed the 'Historical Photographs of China' project, which has published online over 25,000 photographs, mainly from previously unseen family collections, with the earliest dating to the late 1850s. There were large collections and tiny ones; they came from Chinese politicians and missionaries, from policemen and doctors; they were taken by very famous professionals, and from otherwise obscure snapshotters.

In this talk he will outline how this unique and accidental project came about and how it grew, how it has been used, and he will introduce some of the collections. He will also outline plans for the future, with a new focus on Hong Kong supported by the University of Bristol’s Hong Kong History Centre.

The Speaker

Professor Robert Bickers

Professor of History, University of Bristol

Co-Director, Hong Kong History Centre

Robert Bickers, writer and historian, author of China Bound: John Swire & Sons and its World, 1816-1980 (Bloomsbury), Out of China: How the Chinese ended the era of foreign domination (Penguin & Harvard University Press), Empire Made Me: An Englishman Adrift in Shanghai (Penguin) and The Scramble for China: Foreign devils in the Qing empire, 1832-1914 (Penguin). A Fellow of the British Academy, Robert Bickers was born in Wiltshire, and lived on Royal Air Force bases across England, in Germany and in Hong Kong. He studied in London, and held fellowships in Oxford and Cambridge before taking up a post at the University of Bristol in 1997, where he is now a Professor of History.


Time: 7:00 - 8:00 pm, Hong Kong Time (Reception starts at 6:30 pm) 

Admission:  $175 for members, $220 for guests/non-members

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